Metal-Expo sp. z o.o. Produkcja Stojaków Transportowych
ul. Myśliwska 2, 66-460 Witnica

tel: +48 95 751 66 02, +48 95 751 66 28
Fax: +48 95 751 61 59

stojaki transportowestojaki transportowestojaki transportowe
Transport rack TYPE L-200
Transport rack for glass-windows
Transport rack TYPE AH399
Transport rack TYPE TG-A200
stojaki transportowe
stojaki transportowe
stojaki transportowe
stojaki transportowe

Metal-Expo » offer form

Personal information
surname: *
name: *
company: *
post code: *
email: *
telephone number:
cell phone:
fax numer:
Technical specification
product dimensions: *
rack width mm: *
rack height mm: *
lower beam length mm:
cargo height mm:
quantity of vertical beams
(rubber with holes):
quantity of horizontal beams
(rubber with holes):
quantity of lower beams
(full rubber):
lifting handle: *
rack feet:
quantity of handles on length:
quantity of handles on width:
company name board:
quantity of cargo security:
quantity of channel section with holes:
paint (RAL): *
additional questions:

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