Metal-Expo sp. z o.o. Produkcja Stojaków Transportowych
ul. Myśliwska 2, 66-460 Witnica

tel: +48 95 751 66 02, +48 95 751 66 28
Fax: +48 95 751 61 59

stojaki transportowestojaki transportowestojaki transportowe
Transport rack TYPE L-200
Transport rack for glass-windows
Transport rack TYPE AH399
Transport rack TYPE TG-A200
stojaki transportowe
stojaki transportowe
stojaki transportowe
stojaki transportowe

Length: 1340 mm
Width: 740 mm
Height: 1350 mm
Working depth: 645 mm
Working height: 1110 mm
Angle of the load: 4°

Length : 900 mm
Width: 600 mm
Height: 1650 mm
Cargo height: 1450 mm

Length: 2000 mm
Width: 900 mm
Height: 2250 mm
Lower beams: 2 x 280 mm
Cargo height: 2000 mm
Angle of the load: 3,5 °


New website!
date: 2017-06-18

Please take a look on our brand new website!

About Metal-Expo

Metal-Expo company has been connected with window industry, manufacturers and windows suplayers for 16 year. In that time our products were sent to 12 countries in Europe, not to mention Poland.

Reliability, quality, functionality, availability and low prices are our most important mottos. We have professional and experienced crew and our products have certificates of eligibility needed in European Union.

Warehouses are still filled up with our standard type "A" and "L" stands. Short term of realization (5-7 days) can be hold, by our own transport. 

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